Samagra Shrivastava

Samagra Shrivastava

Passionate Tech Explorer | Machine Learning Enthusiast

kane williams

Dedicated and forward-thinking B.Tech student specializing in Computer Science, skilled in Java and Python programming, with expertise in machine learning and web development.

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My area of interest

My Expertise

I'm a B.Tech student on a quest to unlock the potential of technology. My journey began with the fundamentals of computer science, but my curiosity soon led me down the rabbit holes of machine learning and web development. Now, I wield the power of Java and Python to craft predictive models that unveil hidden patterns in data and build captivating web experiences that capture imaginations.

  • Website Design

    Expertise in Django for building comprehensive and maintainable web applications.

  • NLP and Data Preprocessing

    Expertise in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for text analysis. Data preprocessing services, ensuring data integrity and quality

  • Machine Learning Solutions

    Development of custom machine learning models for predictive analytics. Implementation of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.

  • Continuous Learning Support

    Assistance in continuous learning initiatives for staying updated with the latest technologies.

  • Collaboration and Mentoring

    Collaborative programming sessions and mentoring in areas of interest. Group discussions and presentations on various technical topics.

  • Data Analysis and Visualization

    Utilization of Pandas, PyTorch, and Matplotlib for data analysis and visualization. Providing insights through visually appealing charts and graphs.


My Work Experience


Work experience encompasses the skills, knowledge, and expertise gained through employment, contributing to professional growth and proficiency in a particular field.

  • portfolio

    Campus Summer Training

    Machine Learning Trainee

  • portfolio

    Pantech Solutions

    Machine Learning Intern

  • portfolio

    JS Tech Alliance

    Artificial Intelligence Engineer

My Portfolio of Impactful Work

From Vision to Reality.

Highly motivated B.Tech student with a strong foundation in computer science. Proficient in Java and Python programming languages, with a focus on machine learning and web development.

Possess expertise in data preprocessing, model evaluation, and web application development. Leverage a comprehensive skillset in libraries and frameworks, including Pandas, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Matplotlib, Bootstrap, Django, and database management with MySQL. Additionally, I am proficient in version control using Git and GitHub, collaboration tools like Figma, and possess expertise in generative AI and large language models.

My academic background includes coursework in Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, and Database Management. Complementing this foundation, I hold certifications in Machine Learning with Python, Programming Essentials in Python, Introduction to Data Science, and Oracle Certified Associate in Java SE 8.
  • Python

  • Java

  • Django

  • MySQL

  • Matplotlib

  • Github

  • Figma

  • Web Development


My Work


Projects are not just endeavors, they are stepping stones that lead us to a world of endless possibilities and invaluable learning.

  • portfolio

    Netflix Clone

    Website / Development

  • portfolio

    Carrer Recomendation AI ChatBot

    Website / Development

  • portfolio

    Course Recomendation AI ChatBot

    Website / Development

  • portfolio

    Stackoverflow Clone

    Web App

  • portfolio

    Virat Kohli's Century Analysis

    Web App

  • portfolio

    Zomato Delivery Time Prediction

    Web App

  • portfolio

    Application Tracking System

    Website / Development

  • portfolio

    Income Prediction System

    Web App

Bridge the knowledge gap

My Recent BLogs

I create engaging tech articles that empower users by breaking down complex concepts into clear, understandable language.

  • YouTube Video Transcripts Using LangChain

    YouTube Video Transcripts Using LangChain

  • Generative AI Revolutionizes Quantum Computer Programming

    Generative AI Revolutionizes Quantum Computer Programming

  • Data Cleaning Using Pandas: A Comprehensive Guide

    Data Cleaning Using Pandas: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Building Chat Applications with OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo using Streamlit, Chainlit, and Gradio

    Building Chat Applications with OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo using Streamlit, Chainlit, and Gradio


Check out my recently completed certificates.

Verified Certificates

  • Get Started With Tiktok Ads.

    Microsoft Learn AI Skills Challenge

    Successfully completed the Microsoft AI Skills Challenge, demonstrating proficiency in AI technologies and problem-solving.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    Introduction to Data Science

    Successfully completed Intro to Data Science course from Infosys Springboard, gaining foundational knowledge in data analysis and statistical methods.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    Career Essentials in Generative AI

    Successfully completed Coursera 'Career Essentials in Generative AI' course by Microsoft and LinkedIn gaining fundamental knowledge in Generative AI and Large Language Models.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    Introduction to Machine Learning

    Successfully completed Coursera 'Machine Learning with Python' course, gaining fundamental knowledge in machine learning techniques and algorithms.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    PCAP:Programming Essentials in Python

    Successfully completed Cisco 'PCAP:Programming Essentials in Python' course, gaining fundamental knowledge in Python and its Applications.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    Internship on Artificial Intelligence

    Successfully completed Internship on Artificial Intelligence, gaining foundational knowledge in data analysis and statistical methods.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    Introduction to Machine Learning

    Successfully completed Coursera 'Machine Learning with Python' course, gaining fundamental knowledge in machine learning techniques and algorithms.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    Prompt Engineering for Everyone

    Successfully completed IBM 'Prompt Engineering for Everyone' course, mastering the language of AI and unleash its full potential.

  • UX in Ecommerce – 5 things to avoid.

    The Multi Agent Systems course

    For successfully completing the course on CrewAI, where they I gained essential skills in building multi-agent systems. This certification marks a significant achievement in mastering AI-driven technologies.